Words that start with G News
Words that start with G news and the latest breaking news about Words that start with G headlines, comment and features about Words that start with G is here...
Word: GazelleHow to pronounce: gəˈzelNounDefinitions:1. A small slender antelope that typically has ..
4 years ago
Word: GiraffeNounDefinitions:1. A large African mammal with a very long neck and forelegs, having a ..
4 years ago
Word: GypsyHow to pronounce: ˈʤɪpsɪNounDefinitions:1. A member of a people originating in South Asia..
4 years ago
Word: GymnasticsHow to pronounce: ʤɪmˈnæstɪksPlural nounDefinitions:1. Exercises developing or displ..
4 years ago
Word: GymHow to pronounce: ʤɪmNounDefinitions:1. A gymnasium.Example sentences: "It also has an Olym..
4 years ago
Word: GuysHow to pronounce: gaɪzHow to pronounce: gaɪNounDefinitions:1. A man.2. A figure representi..
4 years ago
Word: GuyHow to pronounce: gaɪNounDefinitions:1. A man.2. A figure representing Guy Fawkes, burned o..
4 years ago
Word: GutHow to pronounce: gʌtNounDefinitions:1. The stomach or belly.Example sentences: "A painful ..
4 years ago
Word: GunHow to pronounce: gʌnNounDefinitions:1. A weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bull..
4 years ago
Word: GumHow to pronounce: gʌmNounDefinitions:1. A viscous secretion of some trees and shrubs that h..
4 years ago
Word: GullHow to pronounce: gʌlNounDefinitions:1. A long-winged web-footed seabird with a raucous ca..
4 years ago
Word: GulfHow to pronounce: gʌlfNounDefinitions:1. A deep inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land..
4 years ago
Word: GuitaristHow to pronounce: gɪˈtɑːrɪstNounDefinitions:1. A person who plays the guitar.Example ..
4 years ago
Word: GuitarHow to pronounce: gɪˈtɑːNounDefinitions:1. A stringed musical instrument, with a fretted..
4 years ago
Word: GuinnessKeep in MindImages related to GuinnessGuinness in Other Languages...Spanish: GuinnessG..
4 years ago